{Sitter} Madeline

These little Sitter Sessions are one of my faves to do!

Around 6-8 months - a time when babes can sit up unassisted - is the perfect time for a Sitter Session.

At this stage they are full of smiles and their little personalities start to show.

They are curious, chubby and 100% ridiculously cute :)

I loved seeing you again Madeline, can’t wait for your one year Session!

Want to book a Sitter Session for your little one? Reach out for special pricing and packages!

Sitter Sessions

What are Sitter Sessions?

Sitter Sessions are designed for little ones that are able to sit unassisted (5-10 months old) for a short period of time. These Sessions are full of smiles, goofy expressions, baby squish and fun.

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Sessions are available from a short 20min Mini Session to a complete 1 hour Session

Each Collection is different and caters to your specific needs. Every Collection includes one or more digital image(s) with print release.

All Props, clothing, blankets, backgrounds etc... are supplied but you are welcome to use your own too!

Your online gallery link will be sent within one week of your Session date.


If you would like more info about the available Collections & Session dates, send an email my way and I'd be more than happy to fill you in.

{6 months} Colton

The sitting stage is one of the funnest times to take a baby's photo...

and this guy was no exception!


You get big smiles...


and serious moments too.


A little bit of wiggling...


and even a belly laugh or two.


And just like that they aren't the little babies you once knew...


They are their own little person.

And it never stops amazing me.


 I absolutely cannot wait for our one year Session together.


Much Love,


Want to book your own Sitter Session?

Watch for a special Sitter Session promotion coming next week. 

Or if you can't wait until then, sign up for the Newsletter to get the details first.